Android Market is now about to compete with Apple's App Store

Android Market now has more than 400,000 applications are available in stores, largely driven by the increase in free software. Google Market is catching up fast to the Apple App Store, which has more than 500,000 apps, but it seems to have been relatively slow in growing. While Google's overall life-to-date growth rate is slower, it's taken a bit of time to reach the milestone 400,000 of 300,000 (and 300,000 from 200,000), suggesting a more recent the momentum.

Android Market is now the world's largest store for free apps, with 68 percent of titles are going to advance anything, and 65 percent of store revenue produced by the Freemium model. Learn how to get in on this market by attending one of the many online accredited colleges. Because, in contrast, less than half of Apple's revenue is derived from the App Store free apps. 

The following big gap for Google to closed will be in total revenue, such as Apple collects about four times from the App Store much as Google is not from the Market - and that's even before you factor in the iPad.
